STRESSED OUT ABOUT this year's Christmas dinner? Don't be. With one of Lidl UK’s deluxe heritage Norfolk turkeys at the centre of the table, you can rest assured that great flavour, superb quality and high standards of welfare are all taken care of.

For starters, Lidl UK's Norfolk turkeys spend their days foraging for grubs, insects and berries in shady woodlands and open fields. Fresh food and water are always on hand, and at night – or in bad weather – they have the protection of airy barns, with plenty of fresh bedding, generous perches, and toys to peck and play with.

Lidl's Deluxe free-range Bronze turkeys are bred in East Anglia by Traditional Norfolk Poultry (TNP), a free-range poultry specialist with a strong emphasis on welfare. The birds always come first and are well-looked-after – because, as TNP's Head of Agriculture Lionel Halls says, "We believe that if we get our birds' welfare right, their superior taste and quality will come through automatically."

All this exercise and attention to detail leaves Lidl UK's turkeys succulent and full of flavour, meaning they're perfectly primed for Christmas dinner with the family. What’s more – unlike many other birds you’ll find in the shops – they’re raised to maturity, which means you’re getting as much as possible of the Norfolk Bronze’s prized plump breast meat.

So this year, dine in confidence, knowing your Christmas spread will look – and taste – its very best, with a little helping hand from Lidl UK's Deluxe free-range Bronze turkeys.

The Deluxe Norfolk Bronzed Turkey will be available from 19 December 2017. For more information, head to